Sunday, 13 January 2008

The Abandoned Scarf

Remember the scarf that was the one! Well it isn't! It took me FIVE hours to knit about 5 inches. I abandoned it in favour of making something a little simpler. It did get me thinking though, about all those beautiful things people knit for themselves or loved ones. The lace shawls, cable jumpers, fairisle anything... Are the only people who have access to these beautiful things, people who make, or people who are loved by someone who makes?

What does this mean for those of us who wish to sell what we make? Are we always meant to find the easy/quick/cost effective way of making something? If not, how are we to find the people who understand about the quality and price of the handmade? How, are we to create those people?

If you have the answer, let me know.......

On a lighter note, whilst at the beach, I went to the Warley Home annual book sale. It's big and full of second hand books at ridiculous prices. One year I want to get there the first day rather than the third or last day. I did manage to find this book for $2. 'Stylish knitting: from handspun or commercial yarns' printed in 1988. It's not really interesting for its 'stylish' designs, but that it uses handspun, but not your average 2ply things like: knickerbocker yarn, slub, knop, boucle and curled loupe yarns and puts them in far more 'fashionable' articles than the usual handspun. And there are instructions courtesy of Mabel Ross.

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