One of the workshops at Harrietville was Viv's fibre sandwich. This is a wonderful group activity which results in much laughter, sharing and exhuberant yarns. As I've already participated in one, I didn't do this workshop. However, she decided to run an open for the whole weekend, for anybody to contribute either 50gm or 100gm, for which they would receive the appropriate amount back. This I had to be in!

Over 40 people participated with over 80 bags distributed. It felt like Christmas had arrived early with Santa giving out little bags of joy for good girls!
Well the fibre turned into a rather large pile, as you can see, chair high. It really was!
You know it just has to be purple - this was a Harrietville sandwich, after all.
Carding it seems to give a result I think I'd be more comfortable with personally, but how did your carder cope with the "marshmallows"?
Love Tammie
My drum carder did just fine with the marshmallows. I really don't understand the angst about marshmallows? I only put the fibre through twice, so, it could get more mixed with one more through. It didn't really seem to get too muddy.
I think purple is the go!
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