I have bought myself a brand spanking new overlocker!
I've been doing some dressmaking at a local shop and they suggested that I have a look at this very marked down machine from Janome. A great deal is going at the moment on this and also an electronic machine. (Yes, I was sorely tempted, but.....) I went along and came home with the new machine.
Immediately, dearest, came out with a pair of pants that needed fixing......on the normal straight sewing machine. I did give him a quick lesson on the difference and I did fix his pants.
Because of Christmas they're not running their introductory class. Next year I'll learn all the intricacies of overlocking. So right now I'm just keeping it simple.
It looks a lot like mine, and I love it! Feel free to consult and good luck:)
Overlockers are so much fun, and so fast. You are going to have a ball with it.
Should have said, you could have borrowed mine for free. It only gets out of the cupboard once in a blue moon or so!! Congrats on the purchase though, they are very useful.
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