Showing posts with label handspun yarn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label handspun yarn. Show all posts

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Reprise the Spiral Socks

 A couple of Christmases ago, I made spiral socks for all the very grown up 'kids' in my family and close friends. Spiral socks were one of the first things I made out of my handspun yarn and I still have them as they were originally intended, bed socks.

I used the book 'Joy of Socks' which is now a bit battered after damp issues in my previous studio, AKA garage. Pages have stuck together and I'm reluctant to try the steaming method to prise them apart. Fortunately, the spiral socks were fine.

My youngest son requested another pair as he works from home and wears them about the house. I'm happy to oblige. I picked out some handspun yarn, including the more hard wearing gotland which I put on the heels and toes. 

I hope he's happy with the result.

Saturday, 4 September 2021

Side-tracked by leftover handspun

 I don't really know why, but whilst working on Stuart's jumper, I decided to stop and wait until I can measure it against him. I think it's way too big, but he is big and I might be underestimating his size. It's been awhile since I knit the last jumper.

Anyway, I decided I would do some more stash busting, this time with all those leftover bits of handspun that I can't bear to throw away.

I decided to do mitred squares as they're easy to do, can take small amounts of yarn and look pretty effective. My squares are 20 sts sides (work on 40sts) on 4mm needles and measure 9.5cm square.

There are all sorts of different yarns and even though some are a bit fine and a bit thick, it seems to be working ok.

I did sort them into colours: broadly blue, purple, red, orange, yellow and green. I think if I did it again, I would be much more random. The effect gets better as it gets larger. I'm aiming for a Queen size blanket for the spare bedroom. Just right for our Western Australian guests who feel the cold!

I've still got the green to go, then I've got all the natural coloured yarn and then I'll probably have to wait for more yarn. I'm thinking of edging it in cream with half size mitres.

Friday, 5 June 2020

I need a pair of mittens

4th June, 2020

I decided yesterday afternoon to knit me a pair of mittens.

Well, it wasn't quite that sudden. I had decided that the pair of mittens that I had knit with yarn from Hawaii should be reknit and teamed with some hard wearing handspun yarn. The mittens had developed a hole which I didn't want to repair, as the mittens were quite flimsy.

However, between Round 6 and Round 7 of Sock Madness I had about 2 days. I'm no longer in the competition but was interested in knitting the socks with the beads which turn out to be the Round 7 socks. (192 beads is tantalising!) So I needed something quick.

I used my favourite basic pattern book: Winter Warmers from Patons. (Book 483) It has lots of hats, scarves and mittens in different weight yarns and it is an essential item in my pattern collection.

This is them...

Happy and warm.

So enjoyable, I did some more. Now I have a pair for the beach and one for the city.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Finally the Qualifying Round has started!

Day 1.

Ah, Sock Madness. As usual an excruciating wait, and, finally it arrives in my Inbox at 3.20am! Oh well, people will have some part of a Sunday to get started. I'll have to fit it in around my Monday. I have two weeks to knit my sock.

I have my handspun yarn, it's the Gotland with a bit of green in it. Unfortunately, I'm worried I don't have enough. The yarn is slightly thicker than I would like. I'm going to knit the two socks at the same time. This is to see if it is quicker this way, and, it will help if I am running out of yarn. I'll start out knitting the small size on the suggested needles. I did a quick swatch and I get 8sts per inch, not 9. It was a bit tight, would love to use 2.5cm needles, instead of the 2.25mm. Depending on how the sizing goes maybe I will. The big question will be the length if I go to the larger needles.

The pattern is a Smock stitch. Simple really. It's mostly a rib with a twist every so often. A good starter pattern.

Panic stations, thought I'd lost a needle.....under the sofa cushion where I was swatching.

Now I start, just the cuffs.

Ok, the cuffs are done. The yarn has turned out to be finer than at the start. That's good, but it's still giving me extra length, I think. These could turn out to be very long socks! The two socks are turning out to be different.

Now for the legs.

 Day 2

A lovely day at SNB at Four Leaves. Managed to keep knitting my socks despite the distraction of conversation!

I am in trouble. I've just started the heels and I'm going to run out of yarn. I really don't understand how. I should have measured the length not just gone on weight. The only thing I can think of is that having the navaho plied yarn is denser therefore heavier for the same yardage. I

I do have the same top, but I haven't finished spinning it. Just as well it's the qualifier round. I may not be able to have all the socks handspun and I'm going to have to spin even finer than I have been for the other fibres. At least I've started spinning it.

The socks will be a tight fit, so maybe they might have to be gifted.

Day 3 to 8

Heels. Ok, I'm really running out of yarn. I'll have to finish spinning the other batt of Gotland. They're going to be a bit of a mixed batch as the second batt is blue. Partway down the first foot I've changed to the new yarn. I haven't had a chance to wash the finished yarn, it's a bit over twisted, but it will be ok when I've steamed the socks. I've finished one sock, just a toe to go!

Days 9 and 10

Ok, finished. The socks are a nice fit. The colour difference is noticeable. Now to get my Ravelry project listing up to date and send off my Sock Madness email. 

Thursday, 26 November 2009

On the art of selling textiles

Selling textiles is a very seasonal pursuit. (And let's not talk about selling woollies in Australia....think hot climate, short cold winter...) In the warmer months, it's enough to try and get people to talk to you. On a hot day, they just walk past. This is one of the reasons that I've taken October and November off from the market. December is Christmas, even this has it's problems, as you have to give a present that will not be useful till the winter, but I am ever optimistic.

That's one of the reasons that I have an Etsy shop, to try and break into the Northern Winter. This is not having the desired results, at the moment. The GFC, high value of the Australian dollar, postage costs and this is starting to look like a long term assignment. Four sales, of which two have been cancelled is starting to make me less optimistic than I was last year.


One of the good things is that I've had two months to think of what I might to that could sell during our Australian summer.
I always think that it should be something I'm interested in. And I think earings! I didn't get my ears pierced till my 40th birthday, but my love of earings goes back to my college days. Every party was an excuse to buy an even bigger, more outrageous and cheap (I was a student!) clip-on earing.
Finally, I think I've got a good idea and here are the first complete set:
They're a little rough around the edges, but these are mine! They're handspun silk, handknit and finished with the buttons.
Hopefully, I'm on to something!

Friday, 17 October 2008

I do love to weave

It doesn't feel like it this week, but I have been working. I'm onto my next woven wall hanging, about half way up at this point. Again, I'm using a mix of handspun yarn, three different textures, this amazing black tape, like video tape, but not! and also add in some gold wire which I will twist prettily once off the loom.
It's slow as I didn't prepare the warp for this pattern. I wasn't really thinking that far ahead. But I do know what the next one will be...

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Seaweed scarf

What a busy day. Pulled the back panel of last years Sheep and Wool entry to do some vital repairs. Wonderful fun surrounded by yarn, fibre, finished products and dogs.....obviously not my house.

The night was filled with my Beginners Spinners class. This is the half way mark and they are all doing very well. I have not doubt, that they'll walk away feeling very pleased with themselves. Next week we do some random dyeing. After four weeks of cream fleece, it will be time for a bit of colour.

Then I went home and finished my seaweed scarf. I absolutely love this. I hope it finds a home.

Friday, 21 December 2007

Inspiration strikes at last

I think I've finally come up with the design for the next scarf. A mixture of dropped stitches and cabling. I quite like it, however, I'm a bit concerned that I won't really know if it has worked until I block it.
Yes, I know, should do a test swatch first, but these are my test swatches!
I also like the handspun, as it changes from cream through to a dusty pink.

Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Getting to know my knitting machine!

I've had to start a new set of work. This is a bit strange as I haven't finished any of the other works yet. With next week being the week before the market, I will spend that time finishing off what I can, and, hopefully, I'll have a variety of work to add to my market stall.

So I've started working on another set of textile pictures, this time working with the textures and ideas around the 3D5S trip to Melbourne Cemetery. Working in the same way as previously, I'll use the knitting machine to create fabrics and add them to a canvas. I've found a slightly different shape at riot: a long rectangle.

The back fabric is going to be more textured and I'm trying to master Lace knitting on the machine. It's seems just like Tuck knitting but with an extra bit on the machine, that I don't really know what it does! Anyway, I achieved a very nice pattern and will easily be able to do three.

I also would like to use up some handspun scraps. (Is any handspun a scrap!) so I need to use them by weaving them in on the knitting machine. I haven't done this for quite some time, and I'm not sure I'm doing it correctly. It is however, virtually impossible to find any information on this technique, if your own instruction manual feels slightly inadequate! I'll get there, but I must go in search of a really good technical book for my machine!