Yesterday was mostly taken up with costuming (Hollywood) my oldest for a party - he's going as a 'Blues Brother' and the 9x5 market planning session. All very interesting, I did, however, have to leave the meeting early, so I will be looking forward to the outcome. It's starting to get really serious, as we realise that we're off to a really good start, but that to make the market work we need to become more professional in the approach and organisation. I am looking forward to working out how I can contribute.
I did however, have a look through a book I finally borrowed from our local library. Aren't libraries wonderful. This particular book has been sitting on the shelf waiting.....I finally decided I'd better have a good look. It is quite beautiful with fabrics that cover different fibres such as silk, linen and synthetics. There's a handmade feel to the fabrics, even though they are commercial. The pictures are beautiful and full of ideas.
I must start another weaving project!
NOTE: 'Fabric' by Suzanne Trocme. Published by Mitchell Beazley, London, 2002.