Friday 13 March 2015

Five on Friday - Five Finished Yarns

I did manage to do a bit of spinning over the Summer break. I have my Ashford Traveller permanently at our beach house, so I can swap bobbins between my two Ashford Wheels.

I've finally washed the skeins and reskeined half of them, all I have to do now is photograph, measure and put them on Etsy, the least enjoyable part of the job. Anyway, here they are:

A fibre sandwich from the Harrietville weekend, plyed with purple. Have more to go!

Alpaca, with knots throughout. Not my best knots, but always give that little extra texture.

Dyed wool from Kathy's Fibres, purchased at Bendigo, navaho plied to keep those gorgeous colours alive!

Dyed yarn from Experimental Spinning, plied with fine Polwarth from Tarndwarncoot. The fine single was not scoured, so was scoured AFTER plying. The two different fibres reacted differently and I manage to get a slightly more textured two ply.....deliberately!

This is English Leicester and was spun for a non-spinning Leanne who won it at a Harrietville weekend. I think we'll be able to make a pouch for phone and keys when she goes on one of her photographic expeditions.

I've now started several more spinning projects....but I must finish the Samoyed!

Sunday 1 March 2015

Five on Friday - regrouping!

I know......

Not alot of photography taking place and alot of work not suitable for photography taking you really want to see a picture of my vacuum cleaner?

A finished Sock Madness warm-up sock, the Stroop, Stroop sock.

Another Sock Madness warm-up sock called 'Choose your own Adventure', involving choice of the stripe, the pattern and mixing it up with a dice.

And I am anxiously trying to finish the second sock before the games begin!

I did manage to make a trip with my Mum to Herring Island. This is becoming an annual event for us. From December to April, Parks Victoria run a punt over to the island where there is a permanent sculpture park and a gallery with exhibitions running. This year I wanted to see the Basketmakers of Victoria eachibition, and, as usual, they are fabulous. Lots of interesting work, both innovative and traditional.

It's a short trip over on the punt, costing me all of $2, Mum is free. The advantages of age! It's just a gentle day, where we walk all around the island, seeing how the permanent sculptures are wearing and becoming part of the landscape. We have lunch and then coffee when we get back at the coffee shop directly opposite. Well worth the trip.

Sunday 15 February 2015

Five on ffffff....okay Sunday!

A bit late, a week full of events, but very little textile work done.

I did manage to get the first Stroop Stroop Sock done. This is a warm-up for Sock Madness 9, which starts in March. I thought I'd warm up and get used to posting my projects on Ravelry, as this is part of the competition.

Sock Madness 9 Warm-up Sock
The Stroop Stroop Sock

A completely relaxing evening was spent at Melbourne Zoo with their twilights session featuring the always wonderful Paul Kelly, with Vika and Linda Bull, Dan Sultan and some other fabulous guests that I didn't quite know. Zoo twilights used to be a regular on our calendar, but we haven't been for quite some time.

I did manage to get some shots of those animals that hadn't be bedded down for the night.
A new enclosure where you can view the Lemurs up close and personal

Love these birds, the amazing Jabiru
Who doesn't love Koalas?
The last event was the 90th birthday celebrations of the Rosanna Cricket Club, of which my partner is President.

Equipment in the rooms?

 I did take some photos to add to their collection, featuring the current facilities. A great night with lots of stories!

Friday 6 February 2015

Five on Friday - Chocolate Fleece

It's been a busy week, but no work has been done. The highlights were my youngest son coming home from his holiday in New Zealand and going to the movies with my mother, her Christmas present.

The movie was great....Cinema Nova run a series of beautifully filmed operas from the Met in New York. We saw the Barber of Seville. My mother loves opera and I get to learn a little more, then we have lunch, in this case.

Anyway, my Five on Friday is all about my chocolate fleece; well THREE chocolate fleeces. Given to me by a friend, surplus to a school's requirements, I thought I had three bags of fleece, but turns out to be three fleeces.

I've already given some away at Experimental Spinning, and am processing the rest of that fleece on my wool combs.

The fleece is not particularly good, all the best bits have gone. It is actually a lovely fleece, a bit dirty, but a really lovely chocolate, couldn't quite capture that.

 Part of the deal was to get better at using the wool combs. There's lots of rubbish left over.

Could do with an extra comb, but you end up with a lovely product, ready to spin.

25grams done, just want to get to 100 grams quickly!

Friday 30 January 2015

Five on Friday - new year, new start, new idea!

Ok, so I haven't blogged much, but after a relaxing Summer holiday I feel that perhaps I need to take a new approach. It is fun and I like the discipline of having to do something so I can blog about it!

Taking a leaf from Leanne and her photography blog, where she has themes for her various, varied and numerous posts, I thought I'd start a 'Five on Friday'.....five pictures of the work I've done through the week. Hopefully, they'll form the basis of more extensive blog posts, but lets start with this.

Here they are:

1. Coming back from the beach, where I've been taking pictures of shells. More food for my A-Z of shells design project, which is a bit slow at the moment because I need to do some spinning and/or some dyeing.

2. Having finally started, after years and years (yes, really!) of spinning a multi-coloured fleece that was a gift from a good friend, to design and knit this fairisle jumper. The pattern is loosely based on banksias and is coming up quite nicely.

3. Knitting more socks. Now I'm trying to time how long it takes me as I want to try out for the Sock Madness Forever Groups', Sock madness 9 on Ravelry. It opens up on the 1st February for Registration.

4. I like to have a few bobbins of fine spun singles to ply with so I've been topping up my natural and purple. I want to do alot of spinning this year, a definite stash busting year!

 5. And today, I went to see Jean Paul Gaultier at the NGV International. It's finishing soon and it full of amazing stuff, though I did think I saw something labelled as knitting when it was crochet!

So, don't forget to see Jean Paul Gaultier, it finishes on February 8th....that is, if you're in Melbourne!

Monday 22 September 2014

TSB textile - August newsletter

TSB textile opening hours:
                Tuesday 12pm till 6pm
                Wednesday 10am till 5pm
                Thursday 10am till 5pm                                                  Saturday 11am till 4pm 

77  Grimshaw St,     Greensborough

TSB textile newsletter – August 2014

Yes, I know it’s September, but I was sorting a few things out before I wanted to send this newsletter out! Hope you’re all well and finally enjoying the improving weather.

I’ve decided to finish my time in Grimshaw St. I’ve given the required notice and will be finishing on Friday the 3rd October. I feel it’s about time, I need to relax before Christmas and get my house in order. Having said that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time in my very own studio and will miss the discipline of turning up each day and having to work.

I’ll be applying for a few things, probably do a market or two before Christmas, but I’ll let you know.

I still have a couple of Saturdays where we’ll be doing the 5000 poppies project. Here’s the timetable:

Saturday 13th 5000 poppies project. Bring along red yarn, needles. I have the patterns, and spares of everything if you don’t. For further information I’ll only be there till 3pm, as I’m off to Laughing Waters in Eltham open day.
Saturday 20th I’m off to Hobart and MONA, a birthday present from my husband J
Saturday 27th 5000 poppies project. A chance to do more! 11am till 4pm

The Handweavers and Spinners Guild of Victoria is a collection point for the poppies, so I’ll be taking them there in October when I go to Experimental Spinning on the 4th October.

Some of my friends are participating in various activities, here are a couple:

Lyn Fitzgeralds’ art group Pastel Palette are holding an exhibition “Be Inspired” at the Heritage Golf and Country Club in Chirnside Park.  I’m hoping to get to the opening on Sunday 14th at 2pm.

Michelle Fountain from Metafour Studio ( ) who is fast becoming, if she isn’t already, the master of rigid heddle looms and will have her first official outing to the Black and Coloured Sheep, Sheep and Woolcraft day at Cranbourne Public Hall on Sunday, the 28th September.

I know both are a bit distant from those of us north of the river, but both will be worthwhile, I really want to go to both.

Remember to drop in sometime and see me at TSB textile. I’m always working.                   Cheers, Teresa

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Birthdays and frost in Chewton

Friends we've known for years have exchanged gifts for our birthdays. As we've grown older and wish for less things, we've decided to give the gift of time and go out for dinner for each birthday, one couple shouting the other, depending on the birthday. Excellent evenings have been had.

And, even if it gets difficult at the time, the effort is made.

My husbands birthday fell whilst we were in Hawaii, so eventually, in the depths of Winter and a very cold Winter it has been this year, at times, they invited us to stay in Chewton at the family home. We've stayed there before, but not for quite a while.

Peter and I drove up on the Sunday, stopping at Trentham for lunch and a wander through the shops and a drink at the pub where a band was playing.

Dinner was to be in Castlemaine at the Public Inn, and a very good dinner by the fire was had.

The morning presented an amazing sight as it gets cold in Chewton and frost was everywhere. Perfect for a quick, it was cold, photo shoot.

As it warmed up, we went for a walk in the bush, lunch in Castlemaine with our friends, then off home. Happy.

Saturday 2 August 2014

TSB textile July Newsletter

Ok, so it's August, but here is my current newsletter

TSB textile opening hours:
                Tuesday 12pm till 6pm
                Wednesday 10am till 5pm
                Thursday 10am till 5pm      
                Saturday 11am till 4pm  

77  Grimshaw St,     Greensborough

TSB textile newsletter – July 2014

I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be offering spinning classes, the first commencing in August. Starting on the 23rd August, the course will last five weeks, with a break in the middle. We’ll cover spinning on a drop spindle in the first two weeks and then work on spinning wheels for the next three weeks. This is a basic course focusing on getting you to spin your yarn. The class will be small, all materials and equipment will be provided.

Learn to Spin.

Saturday, 23rd and 30th August, 13th, 20th and 27th September

2-4pm at TSB textile in Greensborough
Cost: $150 all inclusive.

Bookings: 0413054075

Saturdays we’ll still have activities when the spinning classes aren’t running.
                2nd August – CLOSED – at Experimental Spinning at the Handweavers and Spinners Guild of Victoria
                9th August – Come have a go at Tunisian crochet. One of Knit Picks dishcloths is Tunisian crochet. So try your hand at making your own facewasher or dishcloth. I have Tunisian crochet hooks to spare and yarn too.
                16th August – To commemorate Anzac Day in 2015 Poppies are being crocheted and knit. I’ll be making some, and will get them to a delivery spot. Come and join me in this amazing project. For more information see

Unfortunately, for August, I won’t be opening on Friday nights….it’s cold! Hopefully back in September….it will be SPRING!

If you’re interested in some interesting exhibitions there are the following:

Bendigo Art Gallery – ‘Undressed – 350 years of underwear fashion’ from 19th July to 26th October 2014
                                                ‘The Body beautiful in Ancient Greece’ from 2nd August to 9th November 2014

                What a great pair of exhibitions around the body. This wonderful gallery is well worth a visit. Bendigo is a great place for a weekend getaway, even in Winter! More information at

Craft Cubed is Craft Victoria’s annual festival in August. Lots of different events and exhibitions. For information:

Remember to drop in sometime and see me at TSB textile. I’m always working. 

Cheers, Teresa

Friday 1 August 2014

And, of course there were sheep!

As I wasn't buying any yarn or fibre this year at the Australian Sheep and Wool Show in Bendigo, I did go and have a good look at the sheep. Always worthwhile, but even better in the company of someone who knew about sheep...thanks Helen....

And, it is about the sheep, all sorts of sheep....

Monday 28 July 2014

I'm not buying any fibre or yarn in Bendigo!

As you can see, I set myself a pretty tough goal. The stash is just doing my head in, a little....

Success, I didn't buy any fibre!

Sock yarn doesn't count! That's just like buying clothes...not really stash!

And boucle yarn from Bendigo Woollen Mills. Wasn't going to but a friend (?) mentioned the pink and black coco chanel jacket. Who could resist?
And the blue was different and I could mix the black with cream for that classic combination.

Three spools of silk from Yarn Barn in my favourite colourway....nothing to say!

And this isn't yarn, it's rubber and wool from Dairing. Knitted, ironed (with paper protection) looked amazing. Rough lace is the only way I can describe it. Anyway, it's an experiment, not stash.

I did manage to find some small equipment, this was on my list. I wanted more weave it looms and my favourite small tool maker is Petlyn fibre products and they had these little looms. I have two sets of their wool combs and they are always very helpful and their  products are beautifully made. More  playing and experimentation.

Anyway, I think I did ok. Now off to knit socks!

Monday 21 July 2014

The strange things that come back from a sheep and wool show!

I made a vow not to buy any fibre or yarn from the Sheep and Wool Show in Bendigo, my stash is starting to do my head in....must use up the old stuff! Did try my best...However, I allowed myself the pleasure of trying to find stuff, you know, tools books, etc.

It was, however the weird things that made it back from Bendigo that make it into this post.

Shopping in Bendigo Wholefoods, which was discovered last year, is such fun. I didn't need anything, but just had to get this frog tea holder....not the monkey one...such restraint! Twinings seem to not be selling my favourite tea, Orange Pekoe, so I just had to have something to go with my frog!

 Great restraint was shown at the show, but I just had to pick up this picture book on chickens. Who can resist a whole book of amazing chicken pictures? Inspired anyone?

We've been creating a minor stir in the wonderful eateries we've found.Bella Blue cafe & bar for lunch and The Foundry for dinner. Bella Blue was found this year through the Gluten Free in Bendigo website. I'm not gluten intolerant, but having a members of our crew who need to be careful, it provides the opportunity for serious searching, rather than just taking the first choice. Both places are great places to eat and Bella Blue ticks all my boxes for a fun, quirky coffee place....and I didn't even have a coffee there. (Hint: try the teas!)

Sitting at The Foundry of an evening, knitting and chatting, certainly creates a stir. To the point where we met one of the stall holders who showed us this clipping.

After some prompting, she told us, passionately, about her business having invented the safety peeler and combined with the safety knife to create a very interesting business. Did I say she was passionate, once started..... I love passionate people and is was a wonderful conversation. I'm going to try her knives. Pity I don't have small children, would have loved these with Stuart, my youngest ,the grazer.

Saturday was spent in the antique shops opposite the Bendigo Art Gallery, though a stop in the church op shop around the corner did yield a book on France.

And nestled amongst them was Libris, a book binding shop. Oh my....Had to get a bound notebook, something, anything. They have classes in bookbinding. Too late for this year, only two spots in November left. This will be 'My 1957' project...the year I was born Sketches in a monogrammed book. What fun!

I did end up getting some yarn, but more of that later.